Help STUDIO39 fight hunger in our area!


This year STUDIO39 is participating in CANstruction, a non-profit hunger relief charity that has raised millions of pounds of food since 1992 for local food banks. This annual competition brings together local teams that design and construct these amazing works of art made entirely out of canned goods. We are seeking donations to purchase canned goods that will be used to bring our design to reality, and then donated to the Capital Area Food Bank when the competition is over.

Canstruction 2021 will be held at the National Building Museum from November 22nd-November 29th. The theme for this year’s competition is children’s books and we have chosen to depict a scene inspired by the 1963 Caldecott Medal-winning picture book “The Snowy Day” by Ezra Jack Keats.

Visit our fundraising page to make your donation and support this cause! Your contribution helps feed families in need in the D.C. metro area. Help us meet our goal of $8,000 by donating here:

Donations will be accepted until Sunday, November 14th.

For questions please email